“Cherish is offering fans who search the web at searchwithcherish.com a chance to win collectibles including Cherish autographed items, iPhones, plasma TVs, Netflix gift subscriptions and a whole lot more!
Search with Cherish is a search engine powered by Google and Ask, except here every web search is a chance to win “Swag Bucks” which can be redeemed for Cherish prizes and amazing stuff like iPhones, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Plasma TVs and more. Simply make searchwithcherish.com your homepage and use it everyday just like you use Google and any other search engine.” Source, MySpace.
All I’ve got to say.. you know you’ve sold out when you have a search designed for you. I sure hope none of them actually use that. Most likely, they probably even had a big party to celebrate the new search engine too. Geesh. searchwithcherish.com